Update 3, July 18, 18
I cover a lot of ground in this one. Hold on to your seat:
- I got up mega early. Getting up early is the best. Hello sunrise light.
- I need to stop drinking coffee because it makes me crazy..
- Improving the video background (btw, I used a better microphone this time around. The light's better in here, too.)
- Taking a breif break from real estate photography to work on some architecture photos
- I realized I don't love editing. I'd much rather be in the field making photos and spending as little time as possible in post.
- What I love about photography is actually being there.
- I think it's the same for every photographer. They'd rather be out taking photos.
- I love seeing and experiencing these beautiful locations
- The message of the imagery is “you should be here.”
- My photography is about helping you see a vision for your own life, what it could be.
- Food Photography: You have to eat. You should enjoy it. My objective with food photography is to get you excited about enjoying the experience of eating.
- You have to be somewhere. And that place should be the absolute best it can be.
- I want you to have the most wonderful life experience possible.
- I used to take a lot of coffee photos, but I don’t drink that much coffee these days, so not so many of those photos.
- Will I be a photographer for the rest of my life? Who can know.
- Eating food Is a full sensory experience
- Photography only occupies vision, but vision is one of our most dominant senses
- Your food should be the best. Your house should be the best. Your job should be the best. Your walk to work should be through the most beautiful park ever. You should have an incredible life.
- I don’t know how I got to be so obsessed with experience being amazing, but here I am.
- Photography is about learning to see better, so you can share what you’ve discovered.