Update, July 13, 2018
I'm loving this video update thing. Here's another one for ya. I bumped up the production quality even though I said I wouldn't. Can't help myself.
Stuff I talk about:
- Journaling
- Getting distracted first thing in the morning
- Free games on twitch prime: https://www.twitch.tv/prime
- My Favorite parking spot
- Homes: Nice on the inside, meh on the outside
- House we used to live in with a nice garden
- I wanna move somewhere with a yard or outdoor space.
- 4 flights of stairs suck
- overcomplicating the production process
- real estate photography
- architectural photography
- Splinter Creek - https://print.nsdoyle.com/splintercreek/
- United Elite Group - https://print.nsdoyle.com/unitedelitegroup/
- Benny Krown - http://www.bennykrown.com
- Windows are never clean. $5M House? Dirty windows.
- Doing case study videos of my past projects.
Tunes: Anoraak - Skyline