Let’s talk about email.
So, I’m trying to work out the kinks on these emails and newsletters. I’d like your input on how you’d like me to proceed.
Chances are you’re subscribed to both. I’ll help you make sense of it:
I’m writing this post on my website, nsdoyle.com, and it’s being sent to you via Mailchimp. My objective here is to have everything I write live on my website for future proofing, and searchability. Gotta get that SEO up on my website. I mean, maybe I don’t, but I like the idea. I’d love for my website to get all sorts of traffic, and to be a rich, dense repository of my creative journey. I really shoulda been blogging since day one of photography, but oh well, here we are.
Substack is a newsletter platform where you might also be subscribed to my writing. It’s kind of a community of writers coming together to share their art, writing, and experiences. It’s a pretty magical place, really. But if you’re subscribed to this list, I had your email from long before Substack existed, so you either don’t use it or may not care about it. That’s totally fine.
I don’t particularly want to have two separate email lists, but I think it’s also okay for that to happen. So maybe I don’t really need to do anything, and the right subscribers will end up in the right places.
But the point is, I’m planning to mirror a lot of content, and to basically put everything I write over there up on my website here (which arrives to you in this form, via your email). I don’t know what life the Substack newsletter will take over time, but I’m sure it will diverge from the photo project writing and such I do here.’
I donno man, I’m figuring it out as I go, I guess.
So here’s the question I’ve got for you: If you’re subscribed to both, do you prefer one or the other as a delivery platform? Does this email show up in your inbox differently than the other one?
The most recent post from that list is “Leaving the station” which I just shared yesterday. The email titled “That last email sucked” is from this platform.
I guess one way to look at the subscription is:
Substack: Just the writing I do there
Here, Nsdoyle.com: Literally everything about me. Maybe this is the place for the people that truly know me, and Substack is a place where people discover me.
Hands up in the air.
I donno, work in progress. I’d love to talk with you about it.
You’ve got my number, give me a call.