April was crazy!

Still from a behind the scenes video of the Nugent House shoot, with Sergei Hasagawa of Purekitchen

Still from a behind the scenes video of the Nugent House shoot, with Sergei Hasagawa of Purekitchen

Looking back on April I realize it was quite packed. It felt pretty busy while I was in it, sure, but when I came back to review it I saw just how intense and productive it was. Let me fill you in.

Quick Overview:

  • Completed 8 Photoshoots.
  • Assisted on a fashion shoot & shot behind the scenes photo and drone video
  • Went on a cabin adventure upstate
  • Hiked a mountain
  • My photos got featured on an architecture blog
  • Previewed a beautiful restaurant for a big project next month
  • Met an incredible architect from the UK
  • Had a great birthday party and got myself a drone, which I flew a ton

In Detail:


April 1st - Birthday Party for Me!
Kicked the month off Right with a birthday party on April first (the weekend after my actual birthday on March 28th.) Got a DJI Mavic Pro drone and started flying it all the time.

2nd - Another party party, this time in Jersey, for someone not me.
Went to Jersey City for a friend’s birthday party at Barcade. We’ve done this at least once or twice before and I get excited at the idea of playing old arcade games, but then I get there and nothing in their selection really excites me. I did have a surprisingly amazing cuban sandwich, though. Usually, they’re dry and boring, but this one was amazingly juicy. I’d forgotten about it until I wrote this. Man that thing was good. Also, the street plaza between the subway stop and Barcade is really nice. I'm really into the contrast of architecture with the short buildings in the foreground and these residential skyscrapers in the distance, and there are some good art murals about as well. And the Path train is so nice. Wanna move to Jersey yet? I kinda do.

Midcentury Kitchen Renovation

Nugent House - Shot this gorgeous house in Staten Island at the end of March, edited the photos at the start of the month.

88th Street Townhouse - The biggest, fanciest townhouse I’ve ever seen. Also shot at the end of March and edited in April.

3rd - Ancolie
Tia suggested I shoot this new restaurant that sells salads in reusable jars, for sustainability. I’m into that.

10th - Taxes.
Did my taxes. Last minute. Of course.

6th - Alan Ck & Co.
Shot lifestyle and product photography of cutting boards and serving ware. This shoot was a lot of fun because there was a lot of food styling involved, so it was an exciting mix of food photography and product photography. And, of course, anything food and home kitchen related is right up my alley.

7th - Dungeon Beach
My friends have owned this subterranean post production studio for years, and I’ve been to many parties there and snapped a few pictures over the years. They brought on a new partner recently who realized it’s time to freshen up the image, so they brought me in to shoot the space.

8th - Hiked a mountain!
I hiked a bit of Hogencamp Mountain in Harriman State Park with my brother, Dustin. I flew the DJI Mavic briefly, but it didn't like the 16mph winds. We ate some fancy packaged Wild Sockeye Salmon from Patagonia. It as really good. Would recommend.

12th - Fashion Shoot BTS
I made some behind the scenes photos and drone video of a fashion shoot with my friend Hannah Cohen.

13th - Waffles with Hamish
Met UK Architect Hamish Herford, who recently completely the gorgeous Stepping Stone House, for breakfast waffles at Cafe Ghia - Which is closed by now, and that's pretty sad. Their waffles were amazing. Hamish made a crack about "you Americans and your jug of maple syrup at the table", which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Also on the 13th - Food Photography at Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola
A new season means a new menu at Dizzy's, which I've been shooting for a while for Great Performances. Click that link. It's always nice to see my photos on a website's homepage. :D

14th - Cashier at the PSFC
Got trained as a cashier at the Park Slope Food Coop, so now I’ve got a fun new option for doing shifts there. Speaking of which, I should sign up for my next one. Yeah, I'm part of the fabled Food Coop cult.

April 15th - Olivebridge Cottage
I met Sophie at Creative Mornings at the end of March, and we hit it off and started planning a cabin retreat. It finally came to fruition with this spot, which I spent most of the weekend taking pictures of while Regina and Moiz took it super easy. We also tried the Phoenicia Diner, which was amazing, and explored Woodstock, NY, which was really cute.

April 17th - Never stop learning
Bought Where Art Meets Architecture III, an architectural photography masterclass from Mike Kelley and the crew at Fstoppers, the second it was released. This one deals heavily with the business side of photography, which is immensely helpful.

22nd - Featured on a blog!
My photos of olive bridge cottage got featured on architects and artisans.

24th - Location scouting for an upcoming shoot.
I visited Cebu Bar & Bistro, in Bay Ridge, to preview the space for a photoshoot of the space and their menu. It's a really beautiful place that sort of transports me out of the busy city to a more chill place. I spend several hours there soaking in the atmosphere and getting to know the feel of the space. That way when it comes time to photograph it, I'll be in the right frame of mind to capture its intricacies. I'm really looking forward to this shoot in mid may.

Also May 24th - Whisky Tasting
I attended a Suntory Toki Whiskey tasting at EN Japanese Brasserie. I used to look down on adding soda to whiskey as a move done by people who 'couldn't handle straight whiskey', but after having this refreshing highball, I've got a newfound respect for it.

27th - Cherry Blossoms at the Brooklyn Botantic Garden
I took Tia and new photograph pal Erin Lewis to the BBG. They'd never been to it before, which is an oversight I was very happy to correct. They fell in love with how gorgeous the place is, as any reasonable person would. Erin's pumped to meet up with me for more photo adventures, which is always a blast.

28th - Real Estate Photography
Shot several apartments in a new development for Nooklyn at 581 Ocean Avenue. Some of the apartments have really nice balconies with good views of the Varrazzno bridge and of the manhattan skyline. I'm into the simple brick and glass fascade, too. I'm headed back soon to shoot the showrooms when those are completed.

End of April

Bonus photo of Autumn for reading to the end:

That’s a lot of great content at could be tons of great blog posts, but I haven’t devoted nearly enough time to writing and getting all of that work out there. Here’s to hoping I get a lot more writing in this month, and that I get the month-in-review up at the actual end of the month. :)

Let me know how you enjoyed this recap, and if you’d like to see more stuff like this.



Case Study - Cebu Restaurant, Brooklyn, NY


Olivebridge Cottage